Tata Motors has launched the Tiago NRG in the country in manual and AMT option at Rs 6,57,400 and Rs 7,09,400 (both ex-showroom, Delhi), respectively. Based on the higher variants of the Tiago, the Tiago NRG additionally offers muscular body cladding, infinity black roof, and integrated roof rails. Moreover, as compared to the regular model, the Tiago NRG offers a higher ground clearance of 181mm and re-tuned dual-path suspension for better handling of bad road sections. The vehicle is available in four colour options – Foresta Green, Snow White, Fire Red, and Cloudy Grey and it rides on a set of 15-inch hyperstyle wheels.
As for the interior, the newly launched Tiago NRG gets charcoal black interior and fabric seats with deco stitching. The vehicle gets contrast side air vents to further accentuate the sporty theme. For convenience, the vehicle offers push start button, auto fold ORVM, and a rear parking camera. Additionally, the Tiago NRG also offers defogger and rear smart wiper. The safety equipment list includes dual front airbags, ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) with EBD (Electronic Brakeforce Distribution) and CSC (Corner Stability Control), speed alert, and front seatbelt alert.
Mechanically, the Tiago NRG shares the 1.2-litre Revotron petrol engine from the regular model, which generates 84bhp and 113Nm of torque. This engine can be had with a five-speed manual and AMT option. Speaking about the newly launched Tiago NRG, Rajan Amba, Vice-President, Sales, Marketing and Customer Care, PVBU, Tata Motors said, “We are excited to bring to you this awesome version of our much-loved hatchback, the Tata Tiago. Truly energetic just like its name, the NRG fits well with the growing trend of bringing to market more SUV-like vehicles. It is not only strong on the exterior but is feature-loaded and stylish in the interior, and is an absolute pleasure to drive with enhanced abilities to take over rough terrains. Crowning the Tiago range, the NRG will continue to help us increase our brand presence. We are confident that our customers will appreciate the new Tiago NRG as much as its predecessor.”