Skoda Auto India has officially confirmed that the carmaker will be hiking the prices across its model range by three per cent with effect from 1 January, 2022. The company is yet to announce the new model-wise prices, which we expect to be revealed early next month.
Skoda joins the list of multiple car manufacturers in India such as Maruti Suzuki, Toyota, Tata Motors, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz, who have also announced a price hike from January 2022. The brand will be launching the updated Kodiaq next month, followed by the Slavia sedan.
Speaking on the occasion, Zac Hollis, Brand Director, Skoda Auto India, said, “The decision to increase prices from 1 January, 2022 is a result of the rising input costs and increased operational costs. Despite the macro-economic challenges, we have worked to ensure that the customer impact in terms of the incremental price increase is minimal. We will continue to offer the best in quality and value, as we look to build the Skoda brand in India.'