Tata Motors recently announced the prices of the all-electric iteration of the Curvv in the country. The Curvv EV is available at a starting price of Rs. 17.49 lakh with two battery pack options – a 45kWh and a 55kWh unit.
Now, the automaker has commenced the official bookings of the electric coupe across India. Customers can book the EV by visiting the nearest Tata-authorised dealerships or via the brand’s online portal. Moreover, test drives for the same are likely to begin on 14 August, 2024. As for the deliveries, the customers will start receiving their Curvv EV starting mid-September.
In terms of features, the Curvv EV is bundled with high-end features such as a panoramic sunroof with mood lighting, Level 2 ADAS suite, 360-degree surround camera with blind spot monitor, 12.3-inch touchscreen infotainment system, all-digital instrument panel, four-spoke steering wheel with illuminated logo, powered driver seat, and ventilated front seats.
Powering the front axle-mounted motor are two battery pack options. Depending on the variant one chooses, the Curvv EV can deliver a claimed range of up to 585km on a single charge. Currently, the Curvv EV compete against the Mahindra XUV400, MG ZS EV, and BYD Atto 3 in the sub-25 lakh rupees EV segment.