MG Motor JSW India has confirmed the launch date of its upcoming all-electric MPV, the Windsor EV. The brand is calling this new EV, a CUV – Crossover Utility Vehicle and it is set to debut in India on 11 September, 2024. With the debut, the prices of the EV are also said to be announced.
The exterior design highlights of the Windsor EV include LED DRL up front, vertically placed headlamps with split design, connecting taillamps, funky alloy wheels, flush-fitting door handles, and a front fender-mounted charging port.
On the inside, the Windsor EV will flaunt its aeroplane-inspired cabin theme with a reclining rear seat function of up to 135 degrees. Other interior highlights include a twin-spoke steering wheel, digital instrument cluster, large touchscreen infotainment screen, ambient lighting, and a panoramic sunroof.
Regarding its powertrain, the MG Windsor EV is globally available with two battery pack options – 50.6kWh and 37.9kWh units. As for the driving range, depending on the version, the Windsor EV can deliver a claimed driving range of up to 460km on a single charge.
Upon its launch, the MG Windsor EV is expected to compete against the BYD e6 in the electric MPV space.