Mahindra has launched the Thar Roxx at a starting price of Rs. 12.99 lakh (ex-showroom). While the brand has revealed the prices of the entry-level MX trim, the prices of the remaining variants will be announced tomorrow.
In terms of powertrain, the Thar Roxx MX trim can be had with a 2.0-litre turbo petrol and a 2.2-litre turbo diesel engine. The former is tuned to produce 160bhp whereas the latter has an output of 150bhp and 330Nm of peak torque. Both are offered with a six-speed manual gearbox. The higher and top variants of the Thar Roxx will also be offered in petrol and diesel powertrains along with manual and automatic transmissions.
The Thar Roxx is equipped with dashboard-mounted dual screens, a panoramic sunroof, soft-touch leatherette material on the dashboard, climate control, and a sound system from Harman Kardon.