Land Rover India has introduced the longest Defender, the 130, in India at a starting price of Rs 1.30 crore. The SUV will be offered with two engine options across two trims, including HSE and X.
At the heart of the Land Rover Defender 130 will be a 3.0-litre six-cylinder gasoline engine producing 394bhp and 550Nm of torque. On the other hand, the oil burner gets a 3.0-litre six-cylinder diesel engine churning 296bhp and 600Nm of torque. It gets a mild-hybrid system and all-wheel-drive as standard across all the variants.
Inside, the cabin comes equipped with an 11.4-inch Pivi Pro touchscreen infotainment system with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, 14-way electrically adjustable ventilated front seats with memory function, a panoramic sunroof, four-zone climate control, a 360-degree view camera, and a Meridian-surround sound audio system.
In terms of design, Defender 130 is identical to Defender 110. It is now 340mm longer than its 110 sibling, helping to liberate space for the third row. The wheelbase continues to be the same. Moreover, it gets an integrated LED DRL, smoked-out tail lamps, a shark fin antenna, and rides on 20-inch diamond-cut alloy wheels.
Here are the variant-wise prices of the Land Rover Defender 130:
Land Rover Defender 130 Petrol HSE: Rs 1.30 crore
Land Rover Defender 130 Petrol X: Rs 1.41 crore
Land Rover Defender 130 Diesel HSE: Rs 1.30 crore
Land Rover Defender 130 Diesel X: Rs 1.41 crore