Kia India has launched its first pure electric vehicle, the EV6 at a starting price of Rs 59.95 lakh (ex-showroom). Offered in two variants, GT-Line RWD and GT-Line AWD, the EV6 has taken the CBU route to India with only 100 units for sale.
The Kia EV6 draws its power from a 77.4kWh battery pack and is offered in two states of tune – rear-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drive. While the former puts out 223bhp and 350Nm torque, the latter churns out a healthier 320.5bhp and 605Nm of torque. Both the versions have a claimed electric range of 528km and are coupled with an automatic transmission.
In terms of exterior styling, the Kia EV6 fascia features the new ‘Opposites United’ design philosophy with LED headlamps and integrated DRLs with sequential turn indicators. The EV6 has a sloping roofline and a striking rear profile with full length LED tail lamps across the boot.
Inside, the EV6’s cabin is an all-black affair with a dual-screen atop the dashboard. Other highlights include a two-spoke steering wheel, an electric sunroof, a 14-speaker Meridian stereo system, and ADAS functions.
We have driven the Kia EV6 and you can read our driving impressions here.
The ex-showroom prices of the Kia EV6 are as below:
Kia EV6 GT-Line RWD – Rs 59.95 lakh
Kia EV6 GT-Line AWD – Rs 64.95 lakh